______ Y ______

My own personal time capsule.

PID Enumeration on Windows with pure python ctypes

Following code will enumerate process ID’s on the current system by calling EnumProcesses from psapi on Windows. Should for for majority of windows distributions that have psapi.dll in %systemroot%.

from ctypes import *

psapi = windll.psapi

print "[+] PID dumper by Y"
print "[+] contact : If you know me then give me a shout"

def getListOfProcesses():
    max_array = c_ulong * 4096 # define long array to capture all the processes
    pProcessIds = max_array() # array to store the list of processes
    pBytesReturned = c_ulong() # the number of bytes returned in the array
    # get the number of returned processes
    nReturned = pBytesReturned.value/sizeof(c_ulong())
    pidProcessArray = [i for i in pProcessIds][:nReturned]
    for processes in pidProcessArray:
        print "[+] Running Process PID %d" % processes 


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